Junior Yo-yo

March 25 to March 29 (Monday to Friday)
Competition: March 30 (Saturday)

2 Classes: 12PM – 2PM | 3PM – 5PM


Yo-Yo Academy Afterschool Program: Unleashing the Spin Masters!

Course Duration: 7 Days of 2 Hours Each

Day 1: Introduction to YoYoing

  • Explore the captivating history and culture of yoyoing
  • Dive into the anatomy of a yoyo and learn essential maintenance
  • Initiate your journey with basic yoyo tricks and techniques

Day 2: String Tricks

  • Master fundamental string tricks such as the trapeze and double or nothing
  • Engage in hands-on practice to perfect your string skills
  • Unveil the art of binding to add flair to your routine

Day 3: Looping Tricks

  • Embark on a thrilling exploration of looping tricks like the forward pass and around the world
  • Hone your looping techniques through dedicated practice sessions

Day 4: Advanced String Tricks

  • Elevate your skills with advanced string tricks like the green triangle and wrist mount
  • Dive deep into the nuances of executing intricate string maneuvers

Day 5: Offstring Tricks

  • Experience the excitement of offstring yoyoing, from tosses to catching with finesse
  • Practice offstring tricks and techniques that add a new dimension to your performance

Day 6: Yoyo Routine Development

  • Delve into the art of routine creation, covering music selection and choreography
  • Practice your routine development skills, turning your yoyoing into a captivating performance

Day 7: Yoyo Showcase

  • The culmination of your hard work – an opportunity to showcase your skills in a final yoyo competition
  • Students take center stage, demonstrating their progress and flair
  • Judges, including our professional instructor and experienced players, will assess and celebrate each participant

For kids ages 7-13. Slots are free and limited.


Join the Yo-Yo Academy Afterschool Program!

Mission Statement:

At the heart of our afterschool YoYo program is a commitment to providing a fun and safe learning environment for kids. We aim to nurture coordination and skill in the art of YoYo play. Our dedication extends to inspiring creativity, fostering imagination, and boosting confidence. Through our program, we instill the core values of hard work, perseverance, and sportsmanship.

What to Expect:

Prepare for an exciting journey as we fly in a professional YoYo champion to guide our students through advanced tricks and techniques. Our instructor brings a wealth of experience working with kids of all ages and abilities, ensuring the highest quality instruction.

The Grand Finale:

The highlight of our program is the YoYo event where students get to showcase their newfound skills. This friendly competition offers a supportive environment for students to compete against each other, fostering not only art and skill but also camaraderie. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced player, all students are invited to participate. Our panel of judges, including our professional instructor and seasoned YoYo players, will assess and celebrate the progress made by each participant.

Embark on a journey of skill development, creativity, and friendly competition. Join us at the YoYo Academy – where every spin is a step towards excellence!

Register Now for Free!

Secure your spot in the Yo-Yo Academy Afterschool Program!

Embark on a thrilling week-long journey of skill development, creativity, and performance. Join us at the YoYo Academy – where every spin tells a story!

For kids ages 7-13. Slots are free and limited.


Registration closed. Workshop capacity full.